bhO shambhO
raagam: rEvati
2 ratnaangi janya
Aa: S R1 M1 P N2 S
Av: S N2 P M1 R1 S
taaLam: aadi
Composer: Dayaananda Saraswati
Language: Sanskrit
bhO shambhO shiva shambhO svayambhO
gangAdhara shankara karuNAkara mAmava bhavasAgara tAraka
caraNam 1
nirguNa parabrahma svarUpa gamAgama bhUta prapanca rahita
nija guhanihita nitAnta ananta Ananda atishaya akSayalinga
caraNam 2
dhimita dhimita dhimi dhimikiTa kiTatOm tOm tOm tarikiTa tarikiTakiTa tOm
matanga munivara vandita Isha sarva digambara vESTita vESa Isha sabEsha sarvEsha
Meaning:by Suhasini Jayakumar
pallavi: Hail , oh Lord Shambhu, one who "self appeared"
anupallavi: Source of Ganges, Shankara, oh merciful lord who redeems me from this ocean of sorrow, samsAra
caraNam 1: without gunas, one who is beyond time, past, present and future
truth beyond gunas(?), beyond all things finite, oh infinite, blissful, wondrous, ever the same lingA
caraNam 2: This is just the rhythm of the dance of creation and destruction
Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde.
Song performed for karnATik by Prithi Narasimhan
Citation :
I guess you should change the color of the font. It is not visible.
Thanks for the comments Lakshmi, will change the color to readable,
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no longer blog here and thanks for stopping by.
Thank you! Can you please tell me other kirtans sung for Lord Shiva? Thank you!
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