The seven chakras are energy centers that dwell within us and are responsible for bringing and maintaining balance in our bodies and lives. Each of the seven centers carry out different functions. Listed below are the seven main chakras and the subsequent roles they carry out in your body and spirit.
The seventh chakra: (self knowledge, universal identity, thought) This is the greatest charka of them all, providing a bridge towards a bigger far better world. A charka linked with self consciousness that when built upon reveals improvements in wisdom, bliss and spiritual connection.
The sixth chakra: (light self, reflection ) The charka also known as a the third eye and is closely linked to your vision and intuitively sharpness, the development of this charka reveals increased mental and physical abilities that help you se life more clearly.
The fifth chakra (creative, sound, self expression) Found in the throat region, this charka is linked with creativity and art, also liked to sound and the sounds we produce, be it words or song
The fourth chakra(self acceptance, air, identity) This is a charka dedicated to the heart and it is the one in the middle, has a strong connection with love feelings and binds the mind and the body together. If developed it allows for strong true feelings and a well balanced personality
The third chakra( ego, self definition and fire) The charka that holds the key to power and it is located in the plexus. This charka has a strong link with our power over others and our body's metabolism. Keep this charka healthy and it will bring you effectiveness and energy
The second chakra( self gratification, water, emotional identity) This charka is located in the abdomen ,sexual organs and lower back, it governs sexual emotions and the element of water, connects us to other people through desire, feeling, movement. With this charka developed you will benefit from sexual performance, grace, deep feelings and willingness to change
The first chakra(self preservation , earth, physical identity) The first and basic charka and also the most important, linked to the earth element . Located in the spine, more precisely at the base of it the first chakra is the root of our survival instincts and the connection with our body and mind. Develop this charka as it will bring you presence, security, prosperity and health.
Anto Rocked!
13 years ago
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