Monday, September 08, 2008

Happy B'day to my lovely Dad.

DAD, I love you always,

In all possible ways.


He who got me into this lovely world,

He who taught me to walk,

He who taught me to Talk,

He who taught me to dance,

He who taught me to sing,

He who taught me to live Life,

He who taught me not to Stife,

He who is always excellent,

Always the best,

Dare not to Test,

Not a passing Fad,

It's my best Dad.


Be it good times, be it bad times,

Be it happy time, be it sad times,

I realized "U da man!".


I saw your wisdom,

I saw your courage,

I saw your forgiveness,

I saw your compassion too,

And I knew I can rely on you.


As Strong as a mountain,

As Majestic as a tree,

As Warm as the summer sun,

As Calm as the cool blue sea,

As comfortable as the serene nights,

As wise as the Ages of wisdom

As joyous as the morning spring,

With nothing more to ADD,

And everything is there in this LAD,

He is none other than my wonderful DAD.


You were there with me,

When I was angry with you,

I shouted in my ignorance,

You showed to be intelligent,

You were there whenever I am sad,

You are my wonderful and loving Dad.


DAD, I love you always,

In all possible ways.

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