Thursday, November 04, 2004

SP to get DataType Length in SQL

How do I get the Data Type length for a column in SQL table, might be a simple question, the answer is also pretty simple.

The sp_gettypestring stored procedure returns the type string for the given table id and column id.

sp_gettypestring tabid, colid, typestring
tabid - is the table id. tabid is int.
colid - is the column id. colid is int.
typestring - is the type string.
It's output parameter. typestring is nvarchar(255).

This is the example to get the type string for the column number 2 in the authors table, from the pubs database.

USE pubs
declare @tabid int, @typestring nvarchar(255)
select @tabid = object_id('authors')
EXEC sp_gettypestring @tabid, 2, @typestring output
select @typestring

Here is the result set from my machine:

Link for further reading -

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